Tag: Art


The Power of Video Marketing for Driving Traffic to Your Online Art or Craft Business

The Power of Video Marketing for Driving Traffic to Your Online Art or Craft Business

Are you an artist, crafter or creative entrepreneur looking for ways to drive traffic to your online business? If so, video marketing may be the answer. In this blog post, we’ll explore how video marketing can help increase exposure and sales for your art or craft business.

Introduction to Video Marketing for Artists and Crafters

Video marketing is a powerful tool that has become increasingly popular in recent years. It involves creating short videos that showcase your products, services or expertise in order to attract new customers and build brand awareness. For artists and crafters, video marketing offers several benefits, including:

  1)  Showcasing your work in action: Videos allow potential customers to see your art or craft in motion, which can be more engaging than still images.

2) Building trust with your audience: By sharing your story and passion behind your work, you can establish credibility and connect with your target audience on a deeper level.

3) Reaching a wider audience: With the rise of social media platforms like YouTube and Instagram, video marketing allows you to reach people all over the world who might not have otherwise discovered your work.

Benefits of Using Video Marketing for Your Online Business

There are many reasons why video marketing should be part of your overall digital strategy. Here are just a few benefits:

Increased visibility: When done correctly, video marketing can help boost your search engine rankings and make it easier for potential customers to find your website.

4)  Higher conversion rates: Studies have shown that visitors to websites featuring product videos are more likely to convert into paying customers.

5)  Improved customer retention: By providing helpful tutorials or demonstrations, you can keep your customers engaged and encourage repeat purchases.

How to Create Engaging Videos that Drive Traffic to Your Website

Now that you understand the basics of video marketing, let’s dive into how to create engaging videos that will drive traffic to your website. Here are some tips:

1. Define your target audience: Before you start filming, take time to define exactly who your ideal customer is. This will help ensure that your messaging resonates with them.

2. Set clear goals: What do you want viewers to do after watching your video? Make sure your call-to-action (CTA) is clear and compelling.

3. Choose the right format: There are many different types of videos you could create, from product demos to testimonials to interviews. Experiment with different formats until you find what works best for your business.

4. Optimize for SEO: To get the most out of your videos, optimize them for search engines by using relevant keywords in your titles and descriptions.

5. Keep it concise: Attention spans are short these days, so try to keep your videos under 60 seconds if possible.

Tips for Optimizing Your Videos for Search Engines

Once you’ve created your first video, here are some tips for optimizing it for search engines:

1. Use descriptive title tags: Your title tag should accurately reflect the content of your video while also incorporating relevant keywords.

2. Write detailed descriptions: Your description should provide context around the content of your video and include additional keywords.

3. Add closed captioning: Closed captioning makes your video  accessible to a wider audience and can also improve its ranking in search results.

4. Build backlinks: Backlinks from other reputable sites can signal to Google that your video is valuable and worth promoting.

Promoting Your Videos on Social Media Platforms

Social media is a great way to promote your videos and reach a wider audience. Here are some tips for promoting your videos on various platforms:

Facebook: Share your video natively on Facebook, as it tends to receive higher engagement than links shared from other sources. You can also use paid advertising to extend your reach.

Instagram: Short videos tend to perform well on Instagram, so consider creating shorter versions of your longer videos specifically for this platform. Hashtags can also be useful for reaching new audiences.

YouTube: As the largest video hosting site on the web, YouTube is a must-use platform for any serious video marketer. Consider setting up a separate channel dedicated solely to your art or craft business.

Twitter: Twitter is known for being fast-paced, so keeping your videos short and sweet is key. Consider using Twitter polls or surveys to gather feedback from your followers about future projects.

Measuring the Success of Your Video Marketing Campaigns

Finally, measuring the success of your video marketing campaigns is crucial for determining ROI and making adjustments as needed. Here are some metrics to track:

1. Viewership: How many views did your video receive? Did certain segments of your audience respond better than others?

2. Conversion rate: How many viewers clicked through to your website or made a purchase after watching your video?

3. Engagement: Were there any comments or shares associated with your video? Positive sentiment can indicate that your message was received positively.

By implementing these strategies, you can begin driving more traffic to your online art or craft business through video marketing.


Or you could let Dobson Video Marketing Agency create & market the videos for you and you can focus on your art and craft.

We are a video marketing agency to help small businesses like yourself to drive more traffic to your website and/or business by obtaining Google Page #1 ranking.

We are a professional video agency and focus on how we can work together to differentiate you from the competition, drive revenue and new leads to your business using video! Getting you ranked on Google & YouTube Page #1.

Is video marketing worth the effort?
Videos help nurture leads by attracting 300% more traffic. 84% of marketing professionals claim video helped them with lead generation. Video marketing creates 66% more qualified leads per year. 81% of companies say video has helped them directly increase sales.